Emergent Doodles

Skills: Emergence

I have always been fascinated by how simple rules can give rise to complex patterns. I first began exploring this idea on paper. I drew lines that adhered to specific rules (take 1 step, turn right, turn left). When the line encountered an obstacle (itself or the edge of the paper), it followed a different set of rules. Here are some patterns that I generated along with the rules that generated them.


Encouraged by the variety of patterns that I was able to generate, I developed a program that mimicked what I was doing on paper. I simplified the rules to be less verbose and more explicit. The table below shows each command and its corresponding symbol.

L-System Table

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Above, you can see the program in action. The rules for this system are as follows.

         Ruleset 1: Move forward and turn right. [F+]
         Ruleset 2: Jump two spaces. [JJ].

The program follows ruleset one until it encounters itself and follows ruleset two. Very quickly a pattern starts to develop and continues to grow until it reaches the end of the frame. By changing the two rules, a wide variety of patterns can be generated as shown in the gallery below.


My favorite part of the program is seeing new patterns emerge on top of the pre-exisiting patterns.

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Sometimes, the pattern changes complexion entirely and starts taking on a new form, as seen below.

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As simple as this program is, it already leads to complex behaviors. I would love to apply similar rules in a more creative environment and see what emerges.

Here are my thoughts on ‘Emergent Doodles’